Life After Failing
& Friends @ HappyLIVEs #13 2006-09-18
Life After Failing's 2006-09-18 show at the Yoyogi Park Outdoor Stage
was recorded for us by the event organizers. We're pleased to share the
MP3 as it was given to us by HappyLIVEs. We had a great time. This was
the first show of the so-called Life After Justin tour. On guitars were
Toshiyuki Takeo and Arata Kaneko.
This is a big file (71299248 bytes). All of the material was created
spontaneously without any prior rehearsal whatsoever. ENJOY!
Posted: 2006-09-27 07:26
Concert Downloads @
Live Music Archive & bt.etree.org
Life After Failing shows can be streamed or downloaded from the Live
Music Archive. They can also be downloaded from bt.etree.org by using a
BitTorrent client. Feel free to drop by and have a listen! Life After
Failing shows can be found here:
Posted: 2006-01-29 11:07
A New Song
At a recent rehearsal last year -- 2005-11-11 -- the band worked on a
new song that we decided to call Summit.
We were pretty pleased with how the song turned out. It really is a
perfect example of how the band works through jams to create various
different textures. Best of all, it gives a much clearer expression of
how the band can jam in a free-form setting rather than trying to
create a concise statement as we did when recording Small Light.
Summit weighs in at 11: 37 and is 10.6 MB.
Posted 2006-01-07 00:00
Samples from Small Light
We know you're curious about how Small Light sounds, so we've pulled
samples from the mixes and encoded them to put on
the site for download. Free, of course! Most samples are approximately
45 seconds in length, but we thought you should have a full download of
our song Kunundrum. Enjoy!
Right-click a link to save a song to disk. If you like what you hear,
be sure to visit our Store to order the album.
Updated: 2005-10-12 23:07 JST